
Own A Car? Five Ways In Which You Can Prolong Car Life

When we buy a car, we try to get the best of it. And this goes with all the things that we buy. With the ever increasing price of every commodity in the market, it becomes quite difficult to change…

When we buy a car, we try to get the best of it. And this goes with all the things that we buy. With the ever increasing price of every commodity in the market, it becomes quite difficult to change your car frequently. Regular maintenance of your car to prolong its life will save you from the unnecessary cost of changing your vehicle.

To make it easier for you, we have listed five practical ways in which you can prolong the life of your car. Have a look!

Read the Manual Carefully

A new car always comes with a manual. Even if you are buying a second-hand car, do not forget to ask for the manual. The maintenance of one car may differ from the other. Maintaining your car according to the recommended maintenance schedule can save greater costs in the future.

Engine Cleaning

Cleaning the engine of your car is as important as washing the exteriors to retain its lustrous coat. Read the manual and plan your engine cleaning periodically. You must open the hood of your car and wash the engine once in a few years to remove the sludge that collects on an engine’s exterior otherwise it might result in overheating of the engine.

Periodic Transmission Maintenance

Periodic transmission maintenance is essential to keep your car running efficiently and in good shape. It must be done once in every couple of years to see if all the parts are well lubricated or not. Lift inspection and general inspection should be done to reveal all major and minor problems.

If you have never done complete transmission flush to your car, then we recommend you to do it. It helps to remove all the accumulated sludge and grim from the engine. However, if you are already following the recommended routine maintenance written in your manual, replacement of old fluid and drainage will suffice.

Drive Responsibly

While speeding up your car and taking sharp turns may attract onlookers, it is not advisable for your car. Rash driving may damage both internal and external parts of your car. It puts unnecessary stress on your car parts. The more irresponsibly you drive, the greater there is a chance to bump into any obstacle and hence draining your money to a mechanic. So, drive and turn with patience and responsibility.

Keep Your Car Under a Shade or get a cover for your car

Keeping your car in the sun might result in premature wearing out of its colour. Keep your car under a shade to prevent it from the rain and the sun. Keeping your car outdoors might also result in rusting of internal motor parts. Seek a shade and keep your car lest it should get damaged by the vagaries of nature.

Besides these, changing your engine oil and air filters as recommended in the manual is essential for the efficient running and prolonged life of your car. Do not ignore the minor damages and fix them. Try and implement these few tips, and you need not change your vehicle frequently.

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