
The Importance Of PUC Certificate For Your Vehicle

After getting the dubious distinction of the most polluted country in the world, India and its citizens need to enforce motor pollution laws strictly. In this context, under the Central Motor Vehicle…

After getting the dubious distinction of the most polluted country in the world, India and its citizens need to enforce motor pollution laws strictly. In this context, under the Central Motor Vehicle Rule, 1989, a PUC certificate is a mandatory document along with the driving license, insurance, and Registration Certificate (RC) book.

Let’s look at the significance of a PUC certificate and why it is crucial to have a valid PUC done regularly for your car or two-wheeler.

Question 1- What is PUC?

PUC is an acronym for ‘Pollution Under Control’. This certification validates that a vehicle has successfully undergone the PUC test as specified by the mandatory law. The certificate vets that the emissions passed from the vehicles meet standard pollution requirements and do not pollute the environment as a whole. A PUC certificate that is valid on the current date is a mandatory stipulation for every vehicle owner to carry every time.

Question 2- Why it is mandatory to have a PUC certificate in your arsenal?

Well, apart from the mandatory legal requirements like a valid driving license, valid insurance, it is important to have a PUC certificate of your vehicle because:

The environment needs it- Have you ever heard the concept of a food chain? If not, take yourself back to 5th standard textbooks or Google it, you will come to know how mankind is disturbing the subtle food chain with the carbon dioxide emissions released by the cars and vehicles running on the road. It’s hard to blame who is responsible for it: cutting of trees, rapid urbanisation, or a false swag.

Global warming- After garnering the title of the developing city, it seems India doesn’t lag behind in contributing towards global warming (a process that is causing serious illness among toddlers and young ones alike). Oil and gas used in transportation are the major factors contributing to it.

Old vehicles- The exponential growth of vehicle population and dominance of old vehicles running on the Indian roads is a major contributor towards the pollution. Hence, to curtail the aggressive level of pollution, the government of India has finally issued a PUC certificate that every vehicle owner has to carry with him/her.

Even Delhi government has taken the initiative wherein PUC certificate has been made mandatory for refuelling fuel from the petrol pumps.


What future implications it will have?

A famous quote reads,” We are living on the planet as if we have another one to go. ” Since this is sadly not the case, norms like PUC compliance will go great lengths to curb pollution and make Earth a more comfortable place to live.

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