
The Novel Coronavirus: who are the most vulnerable?

The Novel Coronavirus: Who are the most vulnerable? From an outbreak to an epidemic and ultimately becoming a pandemic, the novel Coronavirus is taking the world by storm! It is a large family of…

The Novel Coronavirus: Who are the most vulnerable?

From an outbreak to an epidemic and ultimately becoming a pandemic, the novel Coronavirus is taking the world by storm! It is a large family of viruses that causes illness, that varies from the common cold to more horrific diseases like pneumonia, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and others. This virus is the latest cause of panic throughout the world and was not identified until late 2019. Starting from China, the novel Coronavirus or Covid-19 has spread to over 100 countries and subjugated India as well. The Coronavirus in India is spreading sharply. China and Europe are the epicentres of this up surging, and unprecedented infection and manifold precautions are taken to stop the spread of this deadly virus, all around the globe.

The Coronavirus symptoms you should be looking out for

The primary signs of this infection are very similar to the flu like fever, cough, running nose. In more critical cases, the contamination leads to pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, also kidney failure and might even cause the death of the infected person. The main difference between the common flu and Coronavirus is the respiratory symptoms like shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.

Standard Recommendations for Prevention of the Coronavirus

  • For prevention against Coronavirus and to stop the spread of Covid-19 every person should cover their nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing 

  • They should wash their hands regularly

  • Eat properly cooked eggs and meat

  • Stay at least one meter away from the person showing any signs of illness

  • Cover their mouth with a mask while taking care of the infected person

  • They should not touch their face too frequently

  • Must drink water after small intervals

  • They must avoid touching handles in public places, as much as they can

  • Avoid food or drinks that lowers immunity

  • Avoid going in public places

  • Try and stay in uncluttered places, without the rush and avert berths with crowds of people or international gathering and avoid unnecessary travel

Is There Any Medicine to Cure the Coronavirus?

Since it is a viral infection and not bacterial, it can’t be cured with any drugstore medicines; it can only be averted by having highly sanitized surroundings and strong immunity. There is no such thing as coronavirus medicine, there is no vaccine to cure you against the coronavirus (Covid-19) completely. However, there are several ongoing clinical trials that include both western and traditional medicines*.

Who is at high risk of pandemic illness with Coronavirus?

People with low immunity, especially infants and the older strata (50 and above) of the population, are more susceptible to the Coronavirus. Also, people with critical chronic medical conditions like any heart disease, diabetes, or lung disease are more prone to become the victim of Covid-19 and lose their life.

Coronavirus Update

With low numbers and then boosted by the COVID-19 infection wave, India observed a high curve from April to June and predictively been hit by another wave now. India has over 3.85 million active Coronavirus cases, with more than 67000 deaths and 2.97 million recoveries. According to the Govt. of India reports, the recovery rate has paced up to 3.5 times of active cases. The International statistics, 26,209,307 cases, are active, the USA on top with 6,291,032 cases, followed by Brazil and India at the third position on 03rd Sep 2020. To get the situation under control, the authorities in the nation have also started to conduct antibodies test in large numbers to calculate the virus's exposure in the population and if the masses have moved towards creating a herd immunity to fight the spread of the infection.

Russia has been the first country to register the first Coronavirus vaccine after conducting mandatory human trials. The first Coronavirus vaccine was given to a selected group at Russia, including President Putin's daughter. 

Many countries have continued to keep their international borders sealed to contain the spread and improve the recovery. In contrast, some countries have started limited flights with utmost on-flight and airport precautionary measures. To float the country's badly-hit economic situation, India has begun to unlock the states for businesses and offices to work and function while taking the necessary precautions, such as mandatory masks, sanitizing the working areas, maintain social distances and no handshakes policy.

Covid-19 has continued to have a colossal impact, globally with people working from home, school and colleges shutting down and shifting to virtual online classes and online examinations and limited to no social festivities and celebrations. The arenas with international gatherings continue to be closed, limited travel with thermal detectors installed in the airports to detect the virus and prevent its carrier from spreading it further ahead. Every country is taking harsh measures, including India, to prevent any more damage and wait for the vaccines to be tested, approved, and then distributed so that the pandemic comes to an end and life can get to the old normal "new normal" situation.

*WHO will continue to provide updated information on its website as soon as clinical findings are available. 

The article is just for information only and should not be construed as medical advice. For more details please visit below website or consult your doctor. In no case, the company or any of its employee or representative will be held responsible. 

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