Motor insurance

Types Of Fuel - High Octane vs. Normal Fuel

Type of fuel used in a vehicle is one of the major deciding factors of its overall performance on the road. Hence, there is always a lot of discussions on which type of fuel is the best for your…

Type of fuel used in a vehicle is one of the major deciding factors of its overall performance on the road. Hence, there is always a lot of discussions on which type of fuel is the best for your vehicle.

Most people are under the impression that using high-octane fuel in their vehicle will lead to better performance. However, in reality, the performance is based on several other factors. While the type of fuel required by your engine is mentioned in your vehicle’s user manual, you can also go for a fuel change if you feel the need.

When do you need a high octane fuel?

Those engines, which have a compression ratio higher than 10:1, require high octane fuel. High octane fuel can withstand high temperature and pressure hence it does not detonate or knock, i.e. jerk and make noise, while starting or running.

This fuel prevents knocking sound from your vehicle and hence increases the life of the engine and makes your drive smoother.  A high compression ratio engine can extract maximum power from high octane fuel. These are highly refined fuels and have lower CO2 emission. The higher octane variants available in India are RON 93 and 97 with few additives.

When do you need a low octane fuel?

Low octane fuel used is India is RON (Research Octane Number) value 91. It is required in a low compression ratio engine that is below 10:1 compression ratio. Due to this, the fuel required should have low ignition temperature and pressure and hence low octane fuel is used here.

Using high octane fuel for such vehicles will not help as it will not be able to extract desired power from the fuel, leading to wastage of fuel as well as money. If your vehicle’s user manual does not specify using a high octane fuel then it is advisable that you don’t use it except in-case of knocking.

Along with right fuel, it is also necessary that you buy proper motor vehicle insurance. Do remember to compare vehicle insurance before buying to get the best quotes on policy.


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