Motor insurance

Mistakes To Avoid While Renewing Car Insurance Online

Digitalization is bringing a positive revolution in many industries with convenient internet availability and smartphones. The insurance industry is also one of them. Digitization has made buying and…

Digitalization is bringing a positive revolution in many industries with convenient internet availability and smartphones. The insurance industry is also one of them. Digitization has made buying and renewing car insurance policies easier, simpler and faster than a decade ago. To make the most out of your insurance buying experience, there are some warning signs that you need to be aware of. Making mistakes can work against your goal of finding a cheap car insurance policy.

Read the below article to understand the common mistakes to avoid while buying or renewing a car insurance plan online.

What To Avoid While Renewing Car Insurance Online?

You will learn about the issues we should consider while renewing car insurance. You can get acquainted with the points below while exploring some others. Some common mistakes we should avoid while renewing a car insurance policy are:

  • Avoid Comparing Policies

It is best to compare different policies online to find the best deal. Never choose a plan simply because insurance has low premiums because the plan may skimp on coverage benefits and features. Comparing plans will always assist in locating the ideal option at an economical price.

  • Not Considering Deductibles

Deductibles are additional costs a policyholder agrees to pay before filing a claim. There are two types of deductibles: compulsory deductibles, which are a part of the insurance contract, and voluntary deductibles, which policyholders choose to pay when filing a claim. While obtaining an insurance policy, voluntary deductibles enable lower premiums. A voluntary deductible can reduce premiums, but it can be disadvantageous when filing a claim.

  • Selecting Unwanted Add-ons

Even though the add-on covering the policy will increase its value, some will only increase the cost of the policy without reducing the risk. Hence, analyzing your needs and requirements is crucial to get the most out of the add-on and making an informed decision. Buying unnecessary add-ons will increase the premium amount of your policy significantly. On the other hand, choosing none may result in insufficient coverage. Hence, analyze your insurance needs before taking a decision.

  • Not Sharing Right Information

The policyholder needs to mention their personal details while purchasing the car insurance. Also, it would be best if you always were transparent while answering the questions asked by the insurance executive at the time of claim settlement. The policyholder is expected to provide accurate information whenever required as the insurance company enforces the terms of the policy. Incorrect and misleading information can result in claim denials and open doors to unwanted legal issues.

  • Not Renewing Policy on Time

Insurance companies send notifications about the renewal of their policies a month in advance. At times, this may irritate the policyholders, but in the end, it is beneficial. So, if you receive any intimation regarding the renewal of the policy, it is good to renew your policy at the earliest.

  • Buying a car insurance policy without understanding T&C

Car insurance is a contract between the insurance company and the policyholder with specific terms and conditions. Policyholders must know these terms and conditions before purchasing, renewing, or making a claim under a car insurance policy. These details are mentioned in the policy wording of every car insurance policy. But if you find anything confusing in the policy wording, you can connect with Renewbuy's POSP advisor and clarify your doubts.


It is essential to fully understand its terms and conditions to maximize the benefits of a car insurance policy. With the help of the support team of the insurer, you can resolve any queries you may have regarding your car insurance policy. The best way to buy an ideal car insurance policy is to compare some policies before selecting one.


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