
Bharat Number Plate

The Bharat series number plates are a new series of vehicle number plates starting with the letters "BH" for vehicles in India. The Ministry of Transport, Government of India, launched the Bharat…

The Bharat series number plates are a new series of vehicle number plates starting with the letters "BH" for vehicles in India. The Ministry of Transport, Government of India, launched the Bharat number plate (BH Number Plate) series in 2021 to make the vehicle registration process seamless and create a unified system for vehicle owners. Understanding the BH Number Plate system is crucial for vehicle owners and authorities as it brings forth a transformative change in how vehicles are registered and tracked in the country. This article explores the BH Number Plate system in detail, discussing its features, benefits, implementation process, and impact on vehicle registration in India. 

What is the BH Number Plate Series in India?

The BH Number Plate system is a nationwide initiative to create a standardized vehicle registration system using QR code-based number plates. It was introduced by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) in collaboration with the National Informatics Centre (NIC). The system replaces the conventional number plates with technologically advanced QR code-based plates, improving efficiency, security, and ease of vehicle identification.

Eligibility Criteria of BH Number Plate Series (Bharat Number Plate Series)

Below mentioned are the specific group of individuals who can apply for the BH Number Plate Series (Bharat Number Plate Series):

  • Defence sector personnel
  • Administrative services employees
  • Bank employees
  • Central and State Government employees
  • Private company employees with offices in more than four states or union territories
  • Road tax on the vehicle must be paid
  • Vehicles should have a pollution under control (PUC) certificate

Features of BH Number Plate Series (Bharat Number Plate Series)

The main aim of creating the BH Number Plate Series (Bharat Number Plate Series) is to save the time and energy of the citizens from the inconvenience of transferring their vehicle registration each time they move from one state to another. Hence, we have mentioned some of the features of the BH Number Plate Series (Bharat Number Plate Series):

  • It applies only to non-transport vehicles.
  • It eliminates the requirement of re-registering a vehicle when moving to a different state.
  • It saves time, effort, and paperwork associated with the re-registration process.
  • The system is valid nationwide, ensuring consistency across the country.
  • The number plate design is similar to a standard license plate, featuring black fonts on a white background with the license number format that differs.

BH Number Plate (Bharat Number Plate) Format

The BH number plate (Bharat number plate) series format consists of registration year (YY), BH (Bharat series), 4-digit registration number and XX (indicates vehicle category). For example, the format appears as "23BH 2222XX". This means that "23" is the year of registration, "BH" is the India series, "2222" is the registration number, and "XX" is the vehicle category.

BH Number Plate (Bharat Number Plate) Online Application Process

Below are the steps that you need to follow to apply for BH Number Plate (Bharat Number Plate) Online:

  • There are two options available for the procedure. First, access the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) vehicle portal and log in to start the process. Alternatively, you can get assistance from an automobile dealer who can fill out Form 20 on the Vahan portal on your behalf.
  • Private sector employees working across more than four states or Union Territories (UTs) must submit Form 60, their employment ID, and a work certificate as proof.
  • The State Authorities verify the eligibility of the vehicle owner.
  • You must select the "BH" series type during the application process.
  • Ensure you submit the necessary documents, such as the Working Certificate (Form 60) or a copy of your official ID card.
  • The Regional Transport Office (RTO) approves the BH series.
  • Finally, you must pay the applicable fee or motor vehicle tax online.

Benefits of BH Number Plate (Bharat Number Plate)

BH Number Plate (Bharat Number Plate) offers various benefits to vehicle owners in India. Below, we have mentioned some of the benefits of the BH Number Plate (Bharat Number Plate):

  • Simplified Vehicle Registration: The main benefit of the BH number plate is its streamlined vehicle registration procedure. Individuals who often relocate due to work commitments can conveniently avoid the inconvenience of re-registering their vehicles when moving to a different state or city. This results in time, effort, and paperwork savings.
  • Nationwide Validity: The BH number plate is valid across the country. It allows vehicle owners to freely drive their registered vehicles in any state or union territory, eliminating the requirement for additional permits or re-registration.
  • Cost Savings: The BH number plate system eliminates the necessity for vehicle re-registration, resulting in cost savings for vehicle owners. Re-registration typically incurs fees, taxes, and documentation charges, which can accumulate substantially. However, these expenses are minimized or eliminated with the BH number plate.

Disadvantages of BH Number Plate

Here are some of the disadvantages of the BH Number plate:

  • Limited Eligibility: The use of BH number plates is limited to certain categories of people, including government employees, members of the defence forces, bank employees and individuals employed by private companies with offices in multiple states or union territories. Therefore, not all vehicle owners can avail the benefits associated with the BH series.
  • Exclusion of Transport Vehicles: The BH number plate is specifically designated for non-transport vehicles, excluding transport vehicles such as buses, taxis, and trucks. This restriction narrows down the range of convenience offered by BH number plates.

Cost of BH Number Plate (Bharat Number Plate) Series

In the below table, we have shown the price breakdown for the BH number plate:

Invoice Cost

Motor Vehicle Tax (% Of The Invoice)

Upto INR 10 lakhs


Between INR 10 lakh to INR 20 lakhs


More than INR 20 lakhs


Please note: You need to pay a 2% less charge for electric vehicles and a 2% extra charge for diesel vehicles., For private vehicle owners, the road tax for the BH number plate will be charged for two years or in multiples of two (4,6 and 8).

Challenges and Future Developments

Implementing the India number plate system has its challenges. These include the need for nationwide adoption, ensuring the availability of scanning technology and addressing concerns related to data privacy and security. However, these challenges can be overcome with proactive measures and collaboration among stakeholders. Future developments of the India number plate system may include advanced features such as real-time tracking, integration with intelligent transportation systems and interoperability between different states.


The Bharat Number Plate System marks a significant leap forward in vehicle registration and tracking in India. This brings standardization, security and traceability to the forefront, benefiting vehicle owners and law enforcement agencies. QR code-based number plates streamline registration processes, enhance data management and strengthen the safety ecosystem.  With the successful implementation and widespread adoption of the India Number Plate System, India is set to see a more efficient and advanced vehicle registration system. This transformational initiative paves the way for a seamless future in which vehicle identification and tracking contributes to safer roads, better law enforcement and a technologically empowered transportation landscape in the country.

BH Number Plate (Bharat Number Plate) FAQs

  1. What is the BH Number Plate?

Ans. The BH Number Plate, or the Bharat Number Plate, is a vehicle registration system implemented in India. It aims to simplify the vehicle registration process and provide a uniform number plate design nationwide.

  1. Can I transfer my vehicle registration to a BH Number Plate (Bharat Number Plate)?

Ans. No, you cannot transfer my existing vehicle registration to the BH number plate (Bharat number plate) because the BH number plate (Bharat number plate) can be obtained only through new registration.

  1. Can I sell my BH series registration?

Ans. The BH series registration will not transfer to the new owner. The new owner will need to follow the regular vehicle registration process of the respective state.

  1. Can I use the BH number plate for commercial vehicles?

Ans. The eligibility criteria for using the BH number plate for commercial vehicles may vary depending on the specific regulations set by the relevant transport authorities. It is advisable to consult the State Transport Department or the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) for information regarding commercial vehicle registration under the BH number plate series.

  1. What is the importance of the BH series?

Ans. The BH series is a specific series of number plates allocated to vehicles registered under the Bharat Number Plate system. It helps identify vehicles registered under this system.

  1. Do I need to re-register my vehicle if I have a BH number plate and move to a different state?

Ans. One of the advantages of the BH number plate system is that it eliminates the need for re-registration when relocating to a different state. You can freely drive your vehicle with a BH number plate in any state or union territory without requiring additional permits or re-registration.

  1. Is BH Series registration applicable only for four-wheelers?

Ans. No, BH Series registration is applicable for both two-wheelers and four-wheelers.

  1. BH number series are only restricted to any state?

Ans. No, BH number plates are not restricted to any state as the BH represent “Bharat”.

  1. Is the BH number plate series only for govt employees?

Ans. The BH number plate series is for people with transferable jobs as employees of central and state government departments, PSUs departments, defence personnel and private sector companies with offices in at least four states or UTs. It applies only to non-transport vehicles, and only eligible candidates can apply for the same.

  1. What is the format of Bharat Number Plates?

Ans. The format of the Bharat Number Plate appears as "23BH 2222XX", where 23 represents the year, BH represents Bharat, 2222 represents the registration number, and XX represents the vehicle category. 


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