Driving License

New Vehicle Registration & Driving License Norm

New Vehicle Registration & Driving License Norm is Coming in October 2019 The ministry of road transport and highways in India (MoRTH) has proposed a unified driving licenses and vehicle…

New Vehicle Registration & Driving License Norm is Coming in October 2019

The ministry of road transport and highways in India (MoRTH) has proposed a unified driving licenses and vehicle registration system that is bound to be implemented in October 2019. This system aims at making it easier to collect data on drivers, the types of vehicles they drive and their level of abidance to the laws.

The implementation of the new process will see the issuance of new driving licenses and anyone going in for renewal or re-registration will automatically get the new DLs and RC for its vehicles.


Under this system all driving licenses across all states will have a standardized appearance complete with QR codes for easy identification. The new vehicle registration standard also adds more security to the highways since the technological integration within the driver’s license rules is difficult to forge and manipulate. What’s more, through the QR code, data can be stored in a centralized server and any driver’s history can easily be followed up. Within this license, the holder’s picture is also attached at the front-right. Those planning any crimes and terrorist acts are bound to have a difficult time under this system. This data shall be stored for around 10 years’ maximum.


The back side of each of these cards shall also have an emergency contact number. This allows an accident victim to quickly call for an ambulance to provide immediate assistance. Likewise, if your vehicle breaks down, you can call emergency breakdown assistance to tow your vehicle to a garage.


Traffic police shall also be given a device that they can use to scan the QR code at the back of the card. Through this, they can find out about your offences including those done in the past. They will now be able to determine the appropriate fine to charge you based on the severity of the offences. In worse cases, you might even get arrested or have a temporary/permanent ban on your license.

According to the vehicle registration laws, it is only the state that has the power to alter your personal information stored within the chip or even upgrade the chip into a modern one. It can also add extra information that makes it more useful. One good example is the Near Field Communication commonly known as NFC. it allows devices to interact and exchange data when placed close to one another or even if they touch each other. For new drivers, the information shall also contain the limitations as to which vehicles they can operate as well as their differences in driving ability. Furthermore, any modifications done upon their vehicles shall also be indicated within the license.


With the above mentioned information, the officers as well as the government can be able to determine those who are illegally operating certain types of vehicles. It also helps them in determining if the vehicle has been going for inspections at the required times. This procedure helps a lot in preventing accidents caused by incompetent drivers or faulty vehicles.

This vehicle registration card will also entail the type of fuel it uses in addition to the owner’s credentials upfront. Another effort the government will make is to ensure that the quality of the cards is highly enhanced. This is grossly different from the current cards that fade with aging. The QR codes and explanatory details to the vehicle type the driver is entitled to operate shall also be imprinted on the back side of the card in addition to the emergency contacts. Other information to be found on the reverse side of the card is the plate number.

All these details included in the licensing and registration cards make them extremely difficult to forge. Therefore, it is expected that drivers license laws will reduce the carnage caused by untrained and incompetent drivers will greatly reduce. The fact that the government is going to keep all drivers’ data within a central server means that drivers are mandated to observe great caution while driving.


This will help in reducing data redundancy of driving licenses and reduce the multiplicity of driving licenses Having more than one DL is illegal and the government will have a massive crackdown against people holding with more than one DL.

There shall be less incidences of overtaking in the wrong locations such as corners, on the wrong side of the road etc. drunk driving is also set to greatly diminish. This is one of the major killers of both drivers, passengers and pedestrians.  They will also ensure that their vehicles are in very good shape before they decide to hit the road. Illegal aliens who seek residence in India will not have a chance to get valid driving licenses since the government not only collects driving data, but also other crucial personal data.


Note* Avoid paying hefty amounts for your vehicle damages. Choose the right motor insurance.

Explore more articles and information on Driving License at RenewBuy.

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