Life Insurance

Eligibility for Term Insurance

Term insurance is the purest form of life insurance that provides financial protection to your loved ones during your untimely demise. It provides a simple and easy way to secure your loved ones…

Term insurance is the purest form of life insurance that provides financial protection to your loved ones during your untimely demise. It provides a simple and easy way to secure your loved ones financially, even after death. However, specific requirements and factors must be considered for term insurance eligibility. In this article, we will explore the eligibility criteria for term insurance and highlight the key factors that insurance companies consider while evaluating applicants.

What is Term Insurance?

Term insurance is also known as term life insurance. A term insurance plan is a simple and affordable life insurance plan that provides financial protection to your family in case of sudden demise. A term insurance plan pays the policyholder's nominee a predetermined amount if the policyholder dies within the policy tenure. 

Term Insurance is designed to offer financial protection to the policyholder's beneficiaries in the event of the insured person's death during the policy term. Unlike permanent life insurance policies like whole life insurance, term insurance does not offer maturity benefits or investment components.

Who Should Buy Term Insurance?

Term insurance is suitable for various individuals with specific financial needs and goals. Here are some following categories of people in which term insurance can be a beneficial choice:

  • Individuals with Dependents: For those who have dependents, such as a spouse, children, or ageing parents, who depend on your income, term insurance can provide financial protection to support them in case of your untimely demise. Death benefits can compensate for lost income, cover living expenses, pay off debts and ensure that your loved ones are financially secure.
  • Breadwinners: If you are the sole income earner in your family, in such a situation, term insurance can be vital to safeguard the financial well-being of your family. This ensures that even if you are no longer with them, your loved ones can maintain their lifestyle, pursue their education and meet their long-term financial goals.
  • Parents with Young Children: Term insurance can benefit parents with small children. This can help cover childcare costs, education expenses, and other financial responsibilities that may arise in the future. Choosing a term consistent with your children's anticipated period of financial dependence may be beneficial.
  • People with Mortgage: If you have a mortgage or any other substantial debt, term insurance can provide coverage to pay off those liabilities in case of your death. This ensures that your family will not have to face the burden of mortgage payments or other debts, allowing them to retain home ownership and achieve financial stability.
  • Newlyweds: You have more financial responsibilities when you're married or have a spouse. If your partner depends on you for support, it's important to have a way to keep them financially secure during difficult times. Choosing an individual or group term insurance plan can protect your partner and give them the money they need should something happen to you.

Eligibility Criteria for Term Insurance

To buy a term insurance plan, you should know its eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria may vary from insurer to insurer and plan to plan. But here are some common parameters that remain the same for all the term insurance plans:

  • Age Eligibility

Age is an important factor when it comes to term insurance eligibility. Most insurance providers have minimum and maximum age limits for applicants. The minimum age requirement is generally 18 years, while the maximum age may vary from insurer to insurer. Generally, the maximum age limit is between 65 and 75 years, although some insurers may offer coverage beyond this range. It is important to note that the premium rates may increase with age, so purchasing term insurance at a younger age is beneficial and affordable.

  • Health Requirements

Health plays an important role in determining eligibility for term insurance. Insurance companies assess the applicant's health condition to evaluate the risk level. The primary factors considered include medical history, pre-existing conditions, current health status, and lifestyle choices such as smoking and alcohol consumption. Typically, insurers require applicants to undergo a medical examination to assess their health condition accurately.

  • Sum Assured

Sum assured is the maximum benefit the insurance company will pay out in case of the assured death. While there are no specific eligibility criteria related to the coverage amount, it is essential to consider your financial needs and the insurer's guidelines. Choosing a coverage amount that aligns with your financial responsibilities and goals.

  • Policy Tenure

The policy term or policy tenure is another important aspect of term insurance eligibility. Insurance providers typically offer different term options, such as 10, 20, or 30 years. Eligibility for a specific policy term depends on the applicant's age and the insurer's guidelines. While selecting the policy term, it is important to consider your financial obligations and the objective of the insurance coverage.

  • Occupation and Income

Some life insurance companies consider the applicant's occupation and income when determining term insurance eligibility. Some high-risk occupations, such as firefighters or pilots, may have specific requirements or higher premiums due to the nature of their work. Similarly, income can also be a factor as it helps insurers evaluate the applicant's financial stability and ability to pay premiums.

  • Lifestyle Choices

Insurers often evaluate an applicant's lifestyle choices and habits to assess eligibility for term insurance. Factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and participation in hazardous activities can impact the risk profile. Individuals who smoke or have a history of substance abuse may face higher premiums or limited coverage options. However, leading a healthy lifestyle can positively influence eligibility and even lead to lower premium rates. It is important to disclose accurate information about your lifestyle choices during the application process to avoid any complications in the future.

Documents Required to Buy Term Insurance Plan

To buy a term insurance plan, you will typically need to provide the following documents:

  • Identity Proof: You must submit proof of your identity, such as a copy of your passport, Aadhaar card, driving license, or PAN card. 
  • Address Proof: You must provide proof of your residential address, which can be a utility bill, bank statement, ration card, or rental agreement. The document should display your name and address.
  • Age Proof: To validate your age, you must submit a document such as a birth certificate, passport, school leaving certificate, or PAN card.
  • Income Proof: Some insurance companies may require income-related documents to assess your financial eligibility and determine the coverage amount. This can include salary slips, income tax returns, bank statements, or Form 16.
  • Medical Reports: Depending on the sum assured and your age, the insurance company may ask for medical reports. This can include a medical examination, blood tests, urine tests, and other diagnostic reports. These reports help the insurer evaluate your health condition and determine the premium rates.
  • Photographs: You may be required to provide passport-sized photographs for identification purposes. The number of photographs needed can vary based on the insurer's requirements.
  • Nominee Details: You must provide information about the nominee who will receive the death benefit in case of your demise. This includes the nominee's name, relationship with you, age, and contact details.


Term insurance offers a straightforward and affordable way to protect your loved ones financially. By understanding the eligibility criteria and factors that insurers consider, you can make informed decisions when purchasing term insurance. Age, health condition, coverage amount, policy term, occupation, income, and lifestyle choices are key factors that can influence eligibility and premium rates. It is advisable to compare policies from different insurers, consider your specific needs, and consult RenewBuy’s POSP Advisor. By securing term insurance early and meeting the eligibility requirements, you can ensure the financial security of your loved ones in the face of life's uncertainties.

Eligibility for Term Insurance FAQs

  1. Who should buy a term insurance plan?

Ans. A person with specific financial needs and goals should buy a term insurance plan. Here are some following people who should buy a term insurance plan:

  • Individuals with Dependents
  • Sole Earner of the Family
  • Parents with Young Children
  • Newlywed
  1. What is the minimum age requirement to be eligible for term insurance?

Ans. The minimum age requirement can vary among insurance companies, but generally, individuals must be at least 18 years old to be eligible for term insurance.

  1. Is there a maximum age limit for term insurance?

Ans. Most insurance companies set a maximum age limit for term insurance eligibility. This limit can vary but is typically around 65 to 70 years of age.

  1. Can I buy term insurance if I have pre-existing medical conditions?

Ans. You can still be eligible for term insurance even with pre-existing medical conditions. However, the insurance company may require additional medical underwriting, and the premium rates may be higher.

  1. Are smokers eligible for term insurance?

Ans. Yes, smokers are generally eligible for term insurance. However, smoking is considered a risk factor, and smokers often have to pay higher premiums compared to non-smokers.

  1. Do I need to undergo a medical examination to be eligible for term insurance?

Ans. The requirement for a medical examination can vary depending on factors such as your age, sum assured, and the insurance company's policies. Sometimes, a medical examination may be required to assess your health condition and determine the premium rates.

  1. Can NRIs (Non-Resident Indians) purchase term insurance?

Ans. Yes, many insurance companies offer term insurance plans for NRIs. However, the specific eligibility criteria and documentation requirements may vary among insurers.


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