Responsible driving

Smart Tips To Stay Safe On Indian Roads

There’s no denying the importance of safety for every individual. Especially, when it comes to Indian roads, effective safety tips and suggestions emerge as crucial necessities. India records…

There’s no denying the importance of safety for every individual. Especially, when it comes to Indian roads, effective safety tips and suggestions emerge as crucial necessities. India records innumerable road accidents every year. While most of them take place on Highways, the number of accidental deaths in busy lanes and streets isn’t quite less.

Poor maintenance of vehicles, lack of infrastructural facilities, disregard for pedestrians, and low awareness levels are some of the most crucial reasons for the alarming rise in cases of road accidents.  However, one has to deal with these critical aspects and learn the art of staying safe. Check out the following tips that can turn out to be potential lifesavers!

1.Car safety

Whenever you are travelling by car or driving it, make sure you wear seat belts. No matter if you are sitting on the back or in the front, seat belts are essential must-haves. Front-seat occupants have to wear seat belts without fail as that’s illegal not to do so. Even if you think practically, seat belts have the potential to save your life from undesired accidents.

2.Distractions are dangerous

A majority of pedestrian accidents arise out of the irrational behaviour. What’s the need to talk on your mobile or check out messages while crossing the road or while driving? These actions are certainly not more important than your life. Distractions while driving, walking on the road, crossing an over-bridge, and boarding vehicles can prove to be fatal.

3.Say NO to alcohol consumption

Driving a car or crossing the road in a state of intoxication can be highly dangerous. It is like an open invitation to death or severe impairments. Your sense of balance, better sense, and vision stops working which leads to critical accidents. Steer clear of walking in the middle of the road or taking the driver’s seat, whenever you are under the influence of intoxicating beverages.

4.Wear helmets

Bikers should watch out their moves every time they ride their mean machines. Even if it spoils your captivating hairstyle, it is highly imperative to wear a helmet. Always take the helmet along with you whenever there’s a possibility of riding the bike. Most of the accidental deaths and bike catastrophes have occurred because riders didn’t care to wear helmets.

5.Cross the road carefully

Make sure you are attentive while crossing the road. Always keep the age old poem ‘Look to the right, look to the left, wait for green, and then cross the road’ in mind. Don’t receive calls or check out messages while crossing the road. Most importantly, taking selfies in the middle of the road is a strict no-no!

Be safe

These basic tips, suggestions, and guides will help you stay safe and protected. Always remember your safety is not only crucial to you, but also to the loved ones waiting for you at home at the end of the day!

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