Future Generali Network Hospitals

Future Generali Health Insurance Network Hospitals

  • Cashless Treatment at Nearby Hospitals
  • 8000+ Network Hospitals
  • Cashless Claim Process Within 2Hrs

Health Insurance companies have tie-ups with the leading hospitals in India, these hospitals provide cashless medical treatment to the policyholders, known as Network Hospitals. Future Generali Health Insurance has partnered with over 8000 hospitals across India where policyholders can avail of cashless medical treatment. Hence, it is recommended to go for cashless medical treatment as it is hassle-free and convenient. And you can find the complete list of Future Generali Health Insurance Network Hospitals on the page below by entering some details such as City Name or Pincode. Below we have mentioned the process to find the “Future Generali Health Insurance Network Hospitals”:

Search Nearest Network Hospital

Hospital Hospital Name Phone Address City State Pin code
  • Visit the official website of RenewBuy.
  • Go to the “Health Insurance” section.
  • Click on the “Network Hospital” section.
  • Enter your state and city or pin code.
  • You will get a list of all the network hospitals in your area.

Benefits of Future Generali Health Insurance Network Hospitals

  • Cashless Treatment
  • Wide Network of Hospitals (8000+)
  • Affordable Treatment
  • 24/7 Assistance
  • Access to Specialized Healthcare Services
  • Simple and Hassle-Free Claim Settlement

Future Generali Health Insurance Network Hospitals Cashless Claim Process

Future Generali Health Insurance Network Hospitals provide a simple, hassle-free claim settlement process. Below mentioned are the steps involved in Future Generali Health Insurance Network Hospitals Cashless Claim Process:

  • Choose a Hospital: Select a nearby Future Generali Health Insurance Network Hospital and approach the insurance desk of the hospital.
  • Intimate: In case of planned hospitalization, intimate Future Generali at least 48 hours before the hospitalization. For emergencies, inform them within 24 hours of hospitalization. You can contact the Future Generali customer service helpline or their mobile app/online portal to inform them about your hospitalization.
  • Health Card: Show your Future Generali Health Insurance health card at the insurance desk for cashless medical treatment.
  • Pre-Authorization Form: Submit the duly filled pre-authorization form along with the required documents to the hospital, and they will verify your details and documents.
  • Claim Approval: Once Future Generali approves the pre-authorization request, you can proceed with the cashless treatment then, the insurance company will settle the approved expenses directly with the hospital.
  • Discharge and Claim Settlement: The hospital will send the necessary documents and discharge summary to Future Generali Health Insurance once your treatment is complete. Future Generali Health Insurance will settle the authorized amount.

Planned Hospitalization

Future Generali Health Insurance provides a vast network of hospitals where you can avail of cashless claims for your planned medical treatments. The process for a planned cashless claim in Future Generali Health Insurance involves the following steps:

  • Choose a Network Hospital: Future Generali has a network of empanelled hospitals where you can avail of cashless treatment. You must select a hospital from the network for your planned medical procedure.
  • Pre-Authorization Request: You should inform Future Generali about your hospitalization or treatment. Contact their customer care or visit their website to initiate the pre-authorization request. You may be required to submit relevant medical documents such as doctor's consultations, medical reports, etc.
  • Pre-Authorization Approval: Future Generali will review your pre-authorization request and the submitted documents. If everything is fine your cashless treatment will be approved at the chosen network hospital.
  • Hospital Admission: Once you receive the pre-authorization approval, you can get cashless medical treatment at the network hospital.
  • Verification and Approval: Future Generali Health Insurance will review the submitted documents and bills from the hospital. They will verify the details, and If everything is fine, they will approve the claim.
  • Cashless Settlement: Once the claim is approved, Future Generali will settle the payment directly with the hospital based on the terms and conditions of your health insurance policy.

Unplanned Hospitalization

The unplanned cashless claim process in Future Generali Health Insurance for network hospitals involves the following steps:

  • Hospital Admission: You must get admitted to a network hospital listed under Future Generali Health Insurance in case of an unforeseen medical emergency or hospitalization.
  • Intimation: Inform Future Generali before 24hrs of hospitalization. Contact their customer care helpline or the dedicated claim helpline provided in your policy documents. You can also inform them through their mobile app or website.
  • Cashless Request: Future Generali will guide you through the cashless claim process. They will ask for relevant details, such as your policy number, details of the hospital, and the nature of the medical emergency.
  • Verification: Future Generali will verify your policy details and coverage eligibility. They may also request additional documents or medical information for assessment.
  • Pre-Authorization: Future Generali will initiate the pre-authorization request with the network hospital once the verification process is complete. This involves the sharing of medical information and estimated treatment costs.
  • Approval: The network hospital will review the pre-authorization request and coordinate with Future Generali for approval. Future Generali will confirm the hospital for cashless treatment if the request is approved.
  • Hospitalization and Treatment: You can proceed with the necessary medical treatment as advised by the healthcare professionals at the network hospital. Future Generali will directly settle the approved medical expenses with the hospital, subject to the terms and conditions of your policy.